
About Us

Welcome to Green Apple Art Academy

Green Apple Art Academy was founded in 2018. We are dedicated to spreading Chinese culture and helping children develop various academic and creative skills. With a team of experienced teachers equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, including a professional dance studio, music room, art studio, and more, our institution provides a conducive environment for comprehensive learning.

Bilingual Education

Enhancing communication skills and cultural awareness through English and Mandarin instruction.

Award-Winning Performance Art

Excelling in music, dance, and martial arts with a history of accolades.

Small Class Sizes

Ensuring personalized attention and tailored learning experiences for each child.

Problem-Solving Challenges

Stimulating growth and resilience through diverse and engaging educational problems.

Mission Statement

At Green Apple Art Academy, our mission is twofold: to spread Chinese culture and to empower children to flourish academically and creatively. Through our diverse programs and community initiatives, we aim to foster a love for learning, cross-cultural understanding, and social responsibility.

About the Teachers

Our dedicated teachers are passionate experts, committed to fostering each student's growth and unlocking their full potential.

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(602) 628 5229

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Programs and our vision

At Green Apple Art Academy, we offer a diverse range of programs tailored to different age groups and interests, including bilingual pre-K kindergarten, after-school programs, online programs, weekend class programs, and specialized dance programs. Through these initiatives, we strive to empower students to achieve their full potential across academic and personal spheres.

Beyond our academic offerings, Green Apple Art Academy is committed to community engagement and social responsibility. We actively collaborate with local organizations, cultural institutions, and community groups to organize cultural events, workshops, and outreach programs that promote cross-cultural understanding and appreciation. Furthermore, we endeavor to nurture familial bonds and assist both parents and children in discovering their individual identities through immersion in the Chinese language, history, and culture.

Looking forward, Green Apple Art Academy remains in our commitment to academic excellence and community enrichment. Our vision extends beyond expanding our educational programs and forging new partnerships; we seek innovative approaches to cross-cultural education. Our overarching goal is not only to assist students in achieving academic success but also to empower them to realize their full potential across all facets of their lives. Through our comprehensive approach to learning and community engagement, we aim to cultivate a more inclusive and culturally vibrant society where every individual has the opportunity to excel academically, creatively, and personally.

Web development by Steven Chau